The desired wood is handpicked from a number of timber yards and sellers around rural England and Wales.
There are a few variables to consider when buying wood. Age, drying process, moisture content ect. These factors can affect the quality of wood. That's why my wood is carefully selected from dealers who have years of experience and knowledge in trading timber to ensure top quality.
I'll try to promote the use of responsibly sourced local timber where possible above imported exotic woods. Many beautiful species of exotic and tropical woods are an option. FSC and PEFC certified timber is guaranteed when using timber not sourced locally to the UK.
Due to the nature of forestry, no timber yard can guarantee a consistent supply of certain home grown timbers. This can make sourcing your desired timber tricky at times. I will always do my best to seek out what you want. If this certain timber can't be tracked down then hopefully a satisfying alternative can be found.